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ICC Prosecutor commends CNDH’s initiatives and contribution to rule of law in Morocco and recommends strengthening CNDH/ICC relations

The Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court visited the CNDH on Wednesday, July 2nd 2014. Ms Fatou Bensouda met with Mohamed Essabbar, CNDH Secretary ...

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Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court's visit to CNDH

ICC Prosecutor commends CNDH’s initiatives and contribution to establishing the rule of law

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New migration policy: set up of national appeal committee

National committee set up to handle migrants’ regularization appeals and grievances

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Abolition of death penalty

Seminar: Participants urged Morocco to ratify 2nd Optional Protocol to ICCPR and abolish death penalty

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Roundtable on Justiciability of ESCRs

Roundtable on Justiciability of ESCRs: Participants urged Moroccan government to ratify Optional Protocol to the International Covenant on ESCRs

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